Hi. I'm not sure if I understand your plugin correctly, but it is not doing what I expected it to do.
On my website I send the user to Paypal to pay for their subscription. On return from paypal, in the thank-you message, I provide a link to the Community Builder login page: index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=login. Clicking on this takes them to the login page, but after logging in they are taken to the home page, not the page I specified in both the CB Login module and your plugin: /index.php/map.
However, if I just enter the URL mydomain/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=login into my browser and login, I am redirected to the correct page. Weird! I was hoping your plugin might solve this problem.
In the plugin parameters I have entered /index.php/map in each field labelled Redirect URL and the menu item for that page in each field labelled Redirect menu, hoping to cover all bases. Perhaps this is not correct?
Thanks for your help.