Documentation Tutorials & Examples

Simple instructions on how to embed the Constant Contact Signup Majix Pro module into an article.

An Embedded Signup Form


Create the Module

Create an instance of the Constant Contact Signup Majix Pro Module as you would any module.
For detailed instructions, please consult the Joomla documentation.

Set as Embeded


Under the Basic Options and Module Header Settings, select "Embed in Article"

Module Position


Enter any position name that you choose for this position. It should not be a common position. We commonly use 'embed-#' when we embed modules (replacing the hash '#' with a unique number) This will be used later when we add the {loadposition} plugin tag to our article.
Please make sure that the 'loadposition' module is enabled.

Create an article


You can add any content here that you want to show on the form. The only required text is for the 'load position' plugin.

This tutorial was created using ScreenStepsfrom BlueMango Learning Systems.